Saturday, March 20, 2010

How To Register Boat Trailer In Ontario

Mobilization to 34 years after the coup genocide

Tuesday, March 23:
Plaza San Martín, La Plata, 17 hours

Wednesday, March 24:
Plaza Congreso, Capital Federal, 15 hours

Monday, March 15, 2010

How So Save Cars Carpet

No Code Offences

Stop misdemeanor code

Wednesday March 17, 1912 hs summon us all on 7 and 51!

Regarding the proposed aimed at creating a model of social control that encourages Scioli's government, organizations and neighbors called us to express our strong rejection.

This model is one of the priorities the current misdemeanor code modification. Misdemeanors codes exist in all provinces and have historically been used to arrest without warrant. A violation is defined as working against what is commanded, and misdemeanors figures have always been defined very unclear and ambiguous, such as "loitering", "scandal", "laziness", "disturbing public order, "among others.

The enactment of these behaviors is the possibility of being fined / imprisoned ao / a to be considered "suspect / a" or "dangerous / a" test set out by the "smell police" or intuition of some / to neighbor / a. This lack of clarity is a violation of the Constitution in many ways: the author defines crimes (carrying a face, physical appearance, clothing, etc.) Ends with the presumption of innocence and attacks the freedom of movement, among others.

This set of repressive and discriminatory measures affect mainly to the most vulnerable sectors of our society, giving a cloak of legality in many practices that already exist, far from being a solution to the problem of "insecurity" exacerbates others.

When the governor raises "the police win the streets" is referring to the extension of the agents will be able to detain people, being the sole arbiters as it enables them to "act in office," ie, no judicial authority to mediate complaints or necessary. This tool provides a "blank check" to the negotiations of the police in the streets, since those / as who can circumvent violations will be those who have the resources to pay fines or to "negotiate" (The fines range from 7 pesos to 30 days in jail, in case you can not pay them).

This provision of "more power to the police" is based on a model of social control and discipline, resulting in an increased presence of police on our streets and squares, militarization of public spaces. At the same time encourages the profitability of the business built around security (private security agencies).

meantime, develop advocacy and inclusion policies aimed at solving inequality social. No regulating or running the 13,298 law on Protection and Promotion of the Rights of the Child (adopted in 2006), Law 13,956 of Integral Assistance for People on Street (passed in 2009, this same governor).

While the food basket increased budget is not allocated to school canteens in the province, which a large number of children are entitled to decreased food and, with it, access to health. These inclusion policies have never been carried out because they have not been allocated resources, while another is for more money to political imprisonment and punishment.

addition to the ambiguity in the figures that the code sets, have articles sent directly to the pursuit of social organization and protest: congregate in public spaces, making comments that could "offend" the authorities, cut a road, painting a wall or paste roles in them, can be considered violations (when performed by 3 or more people are greatly increased penalties), reducing the legitimate right to protest, the organization and freedom of expression.

All this deepens social model, with increased poverty, social unrest and, therefore, the organization and popular protest, just answer "covering and enclosing the poor" and forbidding all organize and express ourselves.

We do not want a company "controlled" under the arms and the constant threat of a corrupt institution, we want a just society where public policies to ensure decent work, health and education for all.

misdemeanors codes are unconstitutional

current misdemeanor below code

(Notes, Videos, Subscriptions, File)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Arctic Silver Corrosive?

In July 2008, extended support ends on Windows 2000 Server and support Windows Server 2003 Standard.

On Thursday March 25 and Tuesday 30 March from 18:30 to 21:30 at the MUG (Microsoft User Group) in Argentina is a free event where I will show you how to migrate a platform based on Windows 2000 AD / 2003 to Windows 2008. The


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