From the Bureau of Escrache Popular express our strongest protest against the draft Code of Offences Scioli driven in the province of Buenos Aires. We understand that this Code represents a serious attack on individual freedoms and collective rights of all citizens. If approved, the code will give more power and arbitrariness in the Buenos Aires police, for example through the use of arrests for background checks or identity.
As table for years been working together in building social condemnation for the soldiers and their accomplices, those who implemented the genocidal plan of the military dictatorship kidnapped, tortured, disappeared, murdered. Also for years been denouncing the impunity they enjoy: the impunity of the murderers remain at large, the impunity of those who, despite having been part of the systematic abductions, disappearances and torture, continue to exercise police functions in the provincial . Also for years been denouncing the repressive apparatus continuity: the thousands of cases of trigger finger are recorded every year, violence towards girls and boys on the street, the threats received by peers at the people, the kidnapping and disappearance of Jorge Julio Lopez, are the clearest reflection of the repressive apparatus that thirty years ago marked the bloodiest phase of our history remains intact.
This Code is intended "to combat insecurity," the police pulling over people when there is evidence that these problems are solved with social inclusion through decent work, education, health and housing, which is neither more nor unless so fought our / as thirty thousand comrades disappeared.
In turn, the Code seeks to advance on a matter which falls National Congress, as is the creation of criminal offenses, for which the province intends to punish actions such as loitering, street vending, begging, escraches, picketing, and all self-control measure of the masses.
call on all to speak out against this nefarious code .
Monday, December 7
Concentration in front of the provincial legislature
(7 e / 51 and 53)
Concentration in front of the provincial legislature
(7 e / 51 and 53)
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