More than once, someone asked: Are DC replicating correctly?
There are many ways to verify replication, but a very simple is to use Repadmin.exe. Before Windows Server 2008, this tool was included in the support tools to be installed separately. From Windows Server 2008, is included with the installation of AD DS or AD LDS, and can also be used in a Windows 7 where it is installed RSAT management tools. To avoid problems, to use the correct version as the OS of our DC.
As an example we can use these parameters to check DC replication with our domain and sort by delta replication.
repadmin / replsummary / bysrc / bydest / sort: delta
Each dot "." Represents a DC detected, except for the first three, which are intended to indicate the beginning of the process. The graph shows 6 points, 3 start and 3 more for each DC.
Information about:
to-incoming and outgoing connections for each DC.
Information about:
to-incoming and outgoing connections for each DC.
b-The delta that indicates the last time you replied.
c-The total replication and link failures,
There are many other parameters that can be used to obtain more detailed or specific information, it is good practice to become familiar with this tool to avoid replication.
Repmon.exe For those who use as a monitoring tool, it is necessary to clarify that Repmon.exe not present as a tool for Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
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